Friday, October 19, 2012

Electrical Hazards and the Holidays

Making your home festive for the holiday season is a wonderful tradition.  Yet, with each strand of twinkle lights, you may be stringing up potential fire hazards.  To ensure your season is filled with good Christmas memories and not ones involving the fire department, be sure to follow these few tips regarding your holiday decorations.
The U.S. Fire Administration ( recommends the following precautions for the holiday season.
1.    Use non-flammable decorations.  Many of tree lights on the market today are cool lights meaning they stay cool to the touch.
2.    Check your Christmas tree lights before hanging them to ensure they are in good working order.  Look for and replace any broken bulbs.
3.    Do not string more than three light strands together.
4.    Check the light cords periodically to be sure they are not warm.  A warm cord signals a problem and you should shut them off and investigate why they are warm.
5.    Do not overload your electrical outlets.
6.    Be sure your holiday lights do not have kinks in them.
7.    Water your tree frequently.  Never allow it to go completely dry.  Dry Christmas trees are one of the top three leading causes of home fires during the holidays.  Visit the U.S. Fire Administration’s website for a video regarding how a dry vs a wet tree reacts to fire.

For all of your electrical questions, call Stafford Home Service at 952-927-7194, or visit our website at

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